Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Darmasiswa Program 2011 Exhibition

In the end of the Darmasiswa Program Kemdiknas 2011, PPPPTK Seni dan Budaya held the exhibition as the closing of the program. The 9 darmasiswa program participants expose their product during the learning process in PPPPTK Seni dan Budaya. The craft programs offering in 2011 are ceramics, textile/batik, wood, and leather. PPPPTK SB also offers other programs such as fine arts, photography, and porforming arts program (karawitan, pedalangan, music, and dance).
Ashis Kumar Roy, from Bangladesh, as participant of ceramic program, expose alot of ceramic product. The products consist of ceramic sculpture, painting plate, bowls, and other decorative forms.
We hope that this program give the advantage for both Indonesia and their countries. Also the relationship and friendship of two countries can be kept forever.

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